

Time organizes our life. With Quantum Psi it is possible to get to the heart of its structure.

Quantum Psi offers innovative techniques to operate time distortion, changes in time distortion and to go beyond time.

Modification of Temporal Perception and Rapport

Have you ever noticed that when you meet a person with whom you develop a deep rapport, you have the impression that time stands still?

The concept is closely related to "presence".

You are more present, attentive, and time seems to go more slowly.

Temporal Perception Modification Techniques

Milton Erickson had developed interesting techniques for time distortion (Time Distortion in Hypnosis), showing how a person could live several hours in a few minutes.

Similarly, almost everyone experiences distortion during sleep.

Quantum Psi has similarly developed several techniques that operate in the same area.

Time and Presence

The closer you get to the state of objective consciousness, the more time slows down. In the state of objective consciousness time DOES NOT EXIST. Only the present exists.