Mental attitude:

Mental Attitude: Comments on "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles

Quantum Money Dynamics: Commenti alla "Scienza di Divenire ricco" di Wallace Wattles"

Quantum Psi is practical.

Everything in these pages is practical and therefore it is logical that we also give space to the concept of success.

Our wish is that those who practice Quantum Psi do so with the awareness that when they want they can get results in the outer world. This will give him more peace of mind in the inner search that will then be a choice.

Wallace Wattles wrote at the beginning of the century a little book "The Science of Becoming Rich" that has inspired thousands of people allowing them to achieve the desired success.

After all, every dynamic of authentic creative success is quantum by definition.

In fact, success is based on knowing how to get in touch with the environment that surrounds us, which is in fact probabilistic.

The booklet, instead of techniques, talks about "mental attitude" and refers to a "thinking substance of the universe".

This is the space of infinite quantum possibilities.

Wallace's key concepts are:

- Abundance

- Creativity

- Power of our mind

Our friend and colleague Gil Boyne stated that "it was one of the most inspiring works he had ever encountered" and decided to republish it with his publishing house,

Obviously, Wattles could not with the psychological knowledge of the time, fully explain his techniques, which have nevertheless given exceptional results to generations of people.

Quantum Psychology starts from the principle that it is our observation that creates the reality we observe, and therefore the universe is a reflection of this.

It seems clear that we can create abundance in the universe because it depends solely on us, and our thought of abundance opens the door to creative thinking.

Quantum Psi opens the way to fully understand the principles contained in this booklet that has led many people to achieve results in life.

The principles of "The Science of Becoming Rich" expressed in a quantum way

The observer constructs reality through his observation

Wallace says: the Universe is sentient, that is the perception of it depends on us.

The order that the observer gives to his reality is reality

Wallace says: we can create in the Universe

Inside this reality, the fact of imagining an element tends to lead to its creation

This creation depends on us

These elements tend to constitute themselves adapting to the general model of reality already existing.

This is to avoid clashing with opposite situations.

The creation of these realities is always a creative act and is based on creative intelligence. It consists in the passage of an element of unconventional reality to an element of conventional reality.

A further concept expressed in a triadic way: The Need pushes away the Desire brings us closer

Quantum Psi is able to give a scientific basis to this ancient saying, implied in Wallace's book...

There are two basic drivers with which we motivate ourselves to achieve something: desire and need

Desire: of the mammalian brain

Need: of the reptilian brain

Need drives away, desire brings closer.

Why? Need puts the reptilian brain into operation. This frightens the interlocutor. The reptilian brain has few social skills.

Desire activates the mammalian brain. This is the same brain that deals with social relationships and is very sensitive to people. This allows it to find appropriate situations.

Some commented passages

Here we have extracted some of the main passages, commenting on them each time.

- everyone has the right to become rich

These words were written in 1930. This is a fundamental passage: Wallace affirms the "right" not based on political statements, but based on the concept that there is no point in getting caught up in the opposite pattern. Too many times we close our awareness to the possibilities of life.

In Quantum Psi we call these positions "corners".

- there is a science to achieve this

This is an important concept: results are not the result of chance, but human effort. it is the same reason why maybe some of you are reading this site: to understand the way to get results.

- everyone has opportunities

Opportunity means knowing how to see beyond what is already there: discovering a new way of being also means understanding that possibilities exist. it is only a limited view of the world that hides them.

- the first principle: original substance.

This is also a basic concept of Quantum Psi. Our reality is larger than we think and it is our level of observation that allows us to perceive the territory.

- Each thought, kept in the thinking substance, causes the creation of the form, along the lines of growth and action already established.

Heisenberg noted that the observer influences the observed. Creating new ideas is equivalent to creating (observing) new reality. We can do this because it is our observation that identifies the forms.

- The Intelligent Substance that is ALL, and in all is conscious. Being conscious it must have the desire of every intelligent being to increase life.

We are our consciousness of being. The intelligent substance is a reflection of us and cannot be different from us as it is solely dependent on our thinking.

- The substance wishes to live more in you, that is why it creates things.

In Yoga it is said that the purpose of the spirit is to explore the world

- the universe is friendly to your plans

- everything is natural for you

- Put yourself in the state of mind that all this is true

The first element is essential for the mammalian mind: to perceive the feeling of friendship of the universe.

The second element is for the reptilian brain

The third element concerns our beliefs and touches the cerebral cortex

- However, it is important that your purpose harmonizes with the purpose of the whole. You must want real life, not mere pleasure or sensual gratification.

Life requires the fulfillment of all functions.

We are one entity, and the moment we neglect one of our brains, we neglect the possibility of creation.

- You must abandon the idea of competition. You are to create, not to complete what has been created.

This enlightening phrase ties in with Kotler's latest "lateral marketing" concepts. Segmentation doesn't bring results, only creation brings results.

- In order to get results, man must move from the competitive mind to the creative mind; otherwise you cannot be in harmony with the formless intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.- You must take nothing from no one

This phrase refers to the fact that those who think of taking from others think that wealth is limited, while it is a simple product of human activity

- Give to others more than you take from them

This golden principle is essential to the success of an organization

- Put the idea of progress into your business. First, believe that there is an intelligent substance from which all things come; second, believe that this substance will give you everything you want; and third, relate to it with a feeling of gratitude.

This is a fundamental quantum principle. Everything is related and when I relate to my results with gratitude, in reality, gratitude is reflected everywhere.

- The power of creative thinking - create a clear image of what you want when you get it.

This creates an impression on the cerebral cortex.

- On top of that there must be an intent to achieve it, to make it tangible

This creates an impression in the cerebellum, which is responsible for the concept of action.

- And be grateful for what you get

This activates the mammalian brain

- How to use the will- Use the will to create the image of what you want and maintain it.

This concept relates to the use of the right brain.

- Creative energy works through natural growth channels

If there is already a direction of development it is easier to follow it than to oppose it.

- further use of the will

Consists of focusing only on certain elements of external reality. This brings "reinforcement" to the previous concepts.

- Act in a certain way - put the whole mind into the present action. Act now. The only time is now.

Projecting into the future projects into a "non-place". The mind understands only the now.

- Efficiency of action - it is not the number of things you do, but the efficiency of each separate action that counts

- every act is a success or failure - to achieve man must be active and do every day what must be done

The above concepts are fundamental

- There is never a hurry on the creative level, and there is never a lack of opportunities

This ties in with the efficiency of action.