Quantum Psi and Motivation


1) Quantum e Applicazioni alla Leadership ed al Business

Quantum concepts also find application in leadership, goals, and coaching.

If you are interested in specific applications please contact us (see bottom of page).

The concept of Quantum Leadership is the ability to carry an organization through a non-linear reality.

Non-linear reality means that the world is constantly evolving, characterized by situations of uncertainty and change.

The company as a quantum organism

An organization can be compared to an evolving quantum computer, i.e. a physical system that maintains an internal system of "quantum subsystems" with elements of quantum indeterminacy made up of individual people or groups of them.

The set of such subsystems is continuously changing to optimize some measure of the patterns of relationships between the system and the environment.

These relationships are expressed in the form of maps.

To accomplish this it is necessary to be able to operate a map overlay.

Each map is a model of the relationship between the organization and the environment.

A map, (in Edelman's terminology) is a connected set of groups of elements with the property that when one of the connections between the groups is active, the others often tend to be active as well.

In the leader's mind, it is necessary to be able to create a series of maps in parallel and use the one that seems most appropriate, as well as maintaining consistency between the various maps in order to avoid the dispersion of information, often represented in the company by friction and opposition.

2) Attitude and Motivation in QUANTUM PSI using the Traidic Model

(taken from the book "objectives" by Gianluca Contessa)

Quantum Psi also finds application in MOTIVATION.

If we talk about learning motivation, we can compare it to a journey through various processes, and this journey takes place in stages.

The first one is that of attitude.

Quantum Psi defines various "brain levels", directly related to specific areas of the brain:

1 - Attitude (related to the neocortex (cerebral cortex))

2 - The emotional value (related to the mammalian brain)

3 - Operational verification (linked to the reptilian brain)

Attitude is the highest level of our brain processes and influences the underlying ones.

Before we begin, I would like to clarify that we have no intention of suggesting how you should live your life, this decision is certainly not up to us or anyone else: it is something that concerns only you.

What we want to suggest to you is to live your life fully, using completely your brain and its potentialities.

Neurologically our mind has several levels, and only by taking into consideration all of them we can expect to get results.

The Quantum Psi model of motivation is the result of almost ten years of research that has proven success on a precise topic: "What is the reason why in life some people succeed and many others do not?".

Many people focus on goals.

In reality, the word goal comes at the end of a mental journey.

Through extensive analysis we have also managed to give a neurological basis for this.


First we would like to tell you about the magic word, the most important word in any language on earth regarding the results we expect from life.

This word sums up a large part of the important brain activity to begin with.

This word is "ATTITUDE."

The ability to have an "attitude" is uniquely human and related to the activity of the most advanced part of the brain, the cortex.

Attitude determines our behavior towards the environment and therefore towards life.

In fact, it is the attitude that we have towards life that determines the attitude that life will have towards us.

The reality in which we live is "virtual" that is created by us and influenced by us, according to the paradigms of Quantum Psychology.

We can call it "reality" because it is created through the action of recognition of our mind.

This is why our attitude is important.

Attitude is the result of our creative mind, producer of ideas in combination with the systematization of these ideas.

In fact we give an address to our life, but this address is determined by attitude.

In fact, the life we live is our own creation.

This is demonstrated for example that given the same initial conditions some achieve success, others do not.

Life is a "virtual reality" that we can learn to develop and make become beyond all expectations.

And this is also the demonstration that everything is a virtual reality, because, obviously this is also an expectation...

So a person who has a distrust of learning will not learn much until he changes his attitude.

If the attitude is that you cannot do a certain thing, you will never be able to do it.

The negative mental attitude is a sure way to drag us down to failure.

How much we get out of life, whether we can accomplish it or not, is determined, by our attitude.

William James, of Harvard University, describes it this way:

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that mankind can change its life by changing its mental attitude."

Isn't it wonderful to have this possibility of intervention?


There are two basic attitudes:

- toward us

- toward the world.

In fact, the world we live in is a reflection of the attitude we have toward ourselves.

Quantum Psychology actually connects the two concepts.

We think the two are separate, but they are actually the same thing.

So, before talking about our attitude towards the world, let's talk about the attitude we have towards ourselves, since it is the latter that is connected to the former.

And at this point we come to a very strange conclusion: we are so accustomed to ourselves that we have a tendency to minimize the results we achieve, the goals we reach; we tend to take everything for granted and, for an equally strange reason, we believe that others can achieve successes, in our field, that we would never achieve.

In fact, there are literally millions of individuals who lead stifling, dark, frustrating lives, who are always on the defensive simply because they are defensive of themselves, and of life in general.

Many people are suspicious and opposed to any form of change, while change is the one thing in life we can absolutely rely on.

A chaive concept of Quantum Psi in this area is change.

People who remain young all their lives not only accept change, but welcome it for what it really represents: "new opportunities and possibilities for future achievements".

For of the world we perceive only a small part, what we allow ourselves to perceive.

But outside what we can perceive there are infinite possible virtual realities.

What allows us the leap forward is attitude.

Attitude is the reflection, the result of a person's will, it has incalculable value and can give us incredible results, but it is necessary to encourage it day by day.

Attitude is at the top of a scale at the base of which are the goals achieved:


Let's talk now about the people who manage to achieve their GOALS, that small number, (to date not more than 5%) who have gone from success to success, and who had the courage to pick up the head when something went wrong, and start again.

These people have the characteristic of using their brain completely, starting with the element at the top of the brain pyramid: the ability to create a reality and hold it true = attitude towards the world.

It doesn't matter who this person is, or what he or she does, whether he or she is a salesman or a saleswoman, a company executive, individuals in a wide variety of professions, wives, mothers, students or army officers, civil servants, men and women in the service of religion, workers in any field: whenever you find a person doing a great job and getting great results, that is the person with the right attitude.

These are the people who are absolutely certain that they can achieve what they set out to achieve: for them, there is no reason in the world for not being able or for not succeeding.

These people take this attitude towards life and towards the things they want to achieve, and so they are called successful, exceptional, brilliant, lucky and other various adjectives, but very often these people are not more brilliant or exceptional than the majority of people around them: they simply developed the right attitude, and found that achieving their goals was not difficult, in fact sometimes it was surprisingly easy.

Unfortunately, very few people are fully committed and truly believe in themselves.


Successful people have different characteristics, varying degrees of intelligence, education and so on, but they all have two things in common:

The first is that they expect from life what they have dreamed and decided to do.

The second is that these people also have a secret: they make FULL USE OF THEIR BRAIN.

Mental attitude is in fact at the top of a pyramid that groups the various brain functions.

Mental attitude is the ability to imagine and see the future.

I purposely used the word "see" because research shows that in the right hemisphere, more related to the ability to visualize and see in the mind is the ability to create new opportunities.

The most creative people are also the ones who can most create high images for themselves.

But of course there is the weight of our conditioning.

In fact, attitude arises neurologically from the balance between the right and left hemispheres.

The left hemisphere is linked to logic, and it is the one that considers one thing logical and another not logical.

Therefore it is necessary to speak also to the logical part of ourselves, so that it opens the way and balances with the less logical part.

This same book is in fact written in words also to speak to the logical hemisphere, and allow it to leave room for the activity of the imaginative hemisphere.

We can also set this process in motion on our own: for example, if you want to achieve something that is close to your heart, think that there are more reasons why you should be able to accomplish your project than vice versa. Be willing to reach your goal, chase your goal, and you will see that nine times out of ten you will succeed in gaining it.

The Emotional Value of Success

What is "success"? We can see that it is a term that varies greatly from culture to culture.

We can define it as "obtaining a set of items with emotional value".

Our mammalian brain is the one that determines the "emotional value" of things.

Success is inaftti defined within society, and what the word "success" means varies across cultures.

Within humans, the mammalian brain is responsible for this.

The process is this: the balance between the right and left side of the cerebral cortex is reflected on the part immediately below: the mammalian brain (from mammal) seat of emotions and able to give "emotional value" to reality.

Finally this process reaches the deepest part of us and connects to the agent forces present in the reptilian brain (the deepest part of the brain) that will give "agent impulse" to our operation.

The result of all this is our environment.

Our environment reflects our mental attitude like a mirror; therefore, if your environment does not satisfy you, you must first change your attitude.

Recognizing who does and doesn't succeed

We all know that the world doesn't grant favors and doesn't care whether a person is in the field or not, but adopting the right attitude toward life benefits not so much the world and the people in it, but essentially ourselves.

It would be impossible to make a calculation, even an approximate one, of the number of lost jobs, missed promotions, missed sales and failed marriages due to a negative attitude, but we can estimate in the millions the jobs filled but hated, the marriages tolerated but unhappy, and all this because we expect the world and other people around us to change their attitude towards us, instead of being mature enough to realize, without having doubts, what is the reason for the difficulties we create for ourselves.

Studies done on thousands of successful people have shown that they radiate confidence, security; they expect success and they get it.

You can recognize them by the way they walk, the way they look and the way they behave; you can recognize them as soon as they walk into a room: they may be tall or thin, fat or strong or a combination of both, but at first glance you can sense their success.

I'll go into this at greater length later, for now I'll just convince you, if you aren't yet, that in five years or less you'll be able to land the position that interests you most. I know it, but the most important thing is: do you know it too?

The moment you are aware of it, you will have conquered the right attitude I was talking about.

Creating a new virtual reality

As we have said, characteristic of our reality is to be virtual.

Therefore, the easiest and most efficient way to form an excellent mental attitude is to start behaving "as if" you already got what you want.

Yes, that's right, start right now to walk, act and appear as if you already belong to this group of people.

If you belong to that famous 5% you certainly know what I mean, but if you have never experienced it you will be amazed at what will happen.

Actions trigger feelings, just as feelings trigger actions.

And the people by your side will notice it too....

Unbelievable? Try to think of anything you would like to do or own, and you will find that it is not the thing itself that interests you at all, but the state of mind you have associated with it.

You can imagine being extremely rich, having an extraordinary culture, lots of friends, or sporting achievements, or anything else you might want, and you'll see that what makes them attractive is the state of mind we think we'll be in when those conditions are met.

It follows that what is the keystone of the whole edifice of this course is that: people don't really want someone with an athletic physique, sports cars, or other such nonsense beside them; people want to experience an emotional state with you.

This is in fact the second step within the secret of success: using your emotional mind.

Be careful around you of the "wrong" people.

The wrong people are likely to interfere with your emotional processes and take control through this door of your mind by installing unsuitable strategies.

Create your own emotional values.

Try to close your eyes and imagine that you are in the car, the plane or the boat of your dreams... you can with your eyes closed imagine to own it, to travel in it, and all you need is that object to give you the emotions you are feeling now.

But this also works the other way around... how many times have you intensely desired something that then (when you owned it) didn't give you any emotion at all? Or rather it was more the emotional state you were experiencing before you had it than after you had it?

Here... this is the reality, visualizing the goal and living it is like having already achieved it, the rest comes automatically.

In this way we put into action the second part of our brain, the mammalian brain, which allows us to give emotional value to things.

The emotional value comes from our life imprints and is closely related to the society in which we live.

The mammalian brain is the part of the brain that allows us to understand the emotional value of the elements that surround us in the world.

Another little test:

I'll tell you in a moment about another little test you can give yourself that will prove, without a shadow of a doubt, how the right attitude can change a person's life as convincingly as going from a dark room to the bright, clear light of a morning.

Not long ago I happened to read a sentence that said, "Life only becomes monotonous for monotonous people."

This statement is true, but the sentence could also be understood as: "Life becomes interesting only for interesting people" or "Life becomes successful only for successful people".

What I am trying to say is that from the point of view of the right attitude, you have to feel that you are already what you want to become.

The owner of a famous toy industry, interviewed by a journalist, when asked "when did you start being successful", answered "when I was sleeping on the park benches, because even then I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and that I would be able to achieve it".

His was a positive attitude, this person relied on his success even before being materially in possession of it, even before earning its fruits.

We will dwell on this topic, i.e. being among the first in today's world, in one of the following chapters, for the moment remember that a person can behave, act and be convinced of his success even before achieving the goals he wants.

You will undoubtedly have the opportunity to meet people who are called "lucky" people, to whom wonderful things happen, and who give others the impression that they live their lives happily, managing to accomplish in one year what would take at least five.

This phenomenon has been scientifically proven, and if each one of you will conscientiously follow the test that I am going to propose to you, and put it to the test every day for the next thirty days, you will be able to become part of this small select group of people.

You will find that you will be called lucky, and that most of your problems will solve themselves, you can be sure of that, and the results you will get will be truly amazing.


Sometimes we remember old events, sometimes we forget something said ten minutes before.

Time is our mental construction.

There are powerful techniques with which we can change our mental construction and create a new future for ourselves.

Thinking that we can change depends on us.

Let's try to consider our past simply as "learning": now we can start to act and create.

In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of attitude you might have had in the past: a fundamentally good thing can always be improved.

And here is the test that I propose you to do: for the next thirty days, with the world and with what surrounds you, assume the attitude of the kind of result you want to achieve, that is, if the result you want is superior to the one already achieved, act as if you already had it:

If you want others to treat you with admiration and respect, treat others in the same way.

Have you ever thought about this ?

Every human being on earth considers themselves the most important; you may not be able to get them to admit it, but that is exactly how it is, so for the next thirty days treat the people you are in contact with as if they were the most important people on earth.

The reason I suggest you treat your fellow human beings in this way is first of all because it should be done, and also because it will help you acquire the right attitude, which will produce unhoped-for results for the rest of your life.

We create our own time coordinates.

Have you ever noticed how, in any organization of any importance, people get better as they advance in position, and how much easier it is to approach an important person and do business with him? And do you know why? "Because he has the best attitude," and people who have it are naturally driven upward, so for the next thirty days behave exactly as you would want others to behave toward you; treat your wife, or your husband, as the most important person in your life, and do the same with your children.

For thirty days, every morning assume the attitude that you should have if you were the luckiest man on earth, and you will notice that this will soon be second nature to you.

In doing this a person must be aware that he has put himself on the road that will lead him to his goal, he is now part of that 5% of people who have arrived, in his own country or in any other country in the world, he has prepared the ground and planted the seed; he has made himself a magnet, an embodiment of what he is looking for.

How to create a "mental matrix

There is a secret to inducing change.

Before metal can take the desired shape, it is first necessary to forge the mold, before a building can be erected, the excavation work and the laying of the foundation must be done; the same happens to an individual: in order to achieve the kind of life he desires he will have to become that kind of individual, that is, he will have to act, think, speak, walk and behave like the person he wishes to become, and the things that a successful person would have or do will come to him in a completely natural way.

We have created behavior for ourselves today based on the past.

What we learn now is to create a new one.

A "virtual reality" that becomes "lived reality"

You will notice an almost immediate change: first, the irritation that plagued you will disappear; if someone treats you badly, you will not let your faith be shaken; if someone cuts you off with his car, or behaves in a way that reveals his ignorance and rudeness, you will not stoop to his level, and pity will be the only thing he deserves.

That is the group of people you do not want to belong to, because if you act like them you will become part of them.

There is nothing in the world that men, women, and children need more than to feel important, needed, and respected: to the person who meets these needs they are willing to give their love, affection, respect, and business contribution in return.


And finally, I'd like you to keep the following points in mind:

1. It is our mental attitude, above all else, that determines the success of any endeavor. Neurologically it is given by the balance between the right and the left hemisphere.

2. It is our attitude towards life that determines the attitude that life will have towards us. The reality in which we live is always a "virtual" reality because it is created by our thoughts. By focusing on certain thoughts we facilitate the transformation of the world in a certain way.

3. To succeed we also need the help of others, we are interdependent, and it is our attitude towards others that determines their attitude towards us. This is the reality of our emotional mind. To succeed we must in fact use all of our "minds".

4. Before a person can achieve the kind of life he desires, he must transform himself into the kind of individual he intends to become. In other words, he must think, act, walk, talk and behave as the person he wishes to become would. Just as in step 2 we begin to create the "virtual" reality, in step 4 we create the "virtual" individual. We are influenced by our thoughts

5. The higher you go, in any appreciable organization, the better attitude you will find. This is because only those who understand (even unconsciously) the previous points can emerge.

6. We can choose to keep either the negative attitude or the positive attitude in our minds, and since there is nothing to be gained by being negative, it is better to be positive. The negative attitude is in fact characterized by mental constructions that differentiate us from the goals we can achieve. Since reality is virtual, we enter so that what we experience is a dream and not a nightmare.

7. Mankind's deepest ambition is to feel loved, needed, important and appreciated. Satisfy these needs and we will be reciprocated. In addition to our own emotional minds, let us address the emotional minds of others.

8. Let's always keep our eyes, ears, and mind awake and alert. Someone said, "I have never met a person from whom I could not learn something. Reality is made up of people and only from them can we learn.

9. Let's not waste precious time showing off our personal problems. It probably won't help us, and it certainly won't help others. Every time the mind concentrates in one direction it will in fact strengthen it.

10. Never talk about your health unless it is great. Ditto as above.

11. Take the attitude of the person who has achieved psycho-physical well-being, the person who knows where he wants to go. Your attitude will positively influence the people around you and the results you get will surprise you. In this way you will unconsciously influence your reptilian brain and you will actually be healthy!

12. For the next thirty days, treat everyone with whom you have contact as if they were the most important people on earth. If you can do this for thirty days, you will do it for the rest of your life. Unconsciously, our thoughts reflect on others and influence them in turn.

13. Success or failure in any endeavor is caused more by mental attitude than by intellectual ability. In fact, intellect is only one part of our mind: the logical brain. But logic systematizes, not creates.

14. Notice the changes you achieve. This will put your more basic (reptilian) brain into action, reasoning in dyadic amnierqa (right/wrong) that can tell whether or not you are on the right track.