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Can you tell me in two words the difference there is between NLP and Quantum Psi?

NLP is from 1980. Quantum Psi of this millennium and more evolved (see historical notes).

However, we can answer in two ways:

1) NLP works on communication and with a single element approach. NLP performs an analysis of individual details. By doing this, however, we build a standard model.

The new generation of quantum psychology works on communicational evolution and with a global approach towards excellence. The new approach is dynamic: there are not things, there are relationships.

In other words, while the classical NLP approach is bottom-up, from the single element to the whole, the Quantum Psi approach is global, from the whole to the part that represents the measurement of the state of the whole at a particular moment.

Quantum Psi works on possibilities and the implementation of those possibilities.

This makes it particularly suitable, among other things, for application within organizations.

It is also very useful in coaching as it targets the specificity of the individual.

2) Another fundamental difference is the approach: NLP is sequential. From a mathematical point of view, the mind is described as a Turing machine: a system that implements certain operations according to the TOTE scheme. Mental representations are essential to the process.

Quantum Psi instead works on more information at the same time. Mental representations actually exist only in the final phase, when the idea appears. Quantum Psi is definitely a better description of creative processes than NLP, because it includes the concepts of probability, non-linear reasoning etc...

Historical notes between NLP and Quantum Psi

The century ending with the year 2000 has been the century of determinism.

Determinism has been applied to man, nature, psychology and also to mathematics.

Until 1977 was in fact in force even in mathematical circles the so-called Church-Turing hypothesis, which stated that, regardless of the type of machine, a deterministic algorithm could solve it.In other words: every algorithmic process can be simulated with a Turing machine. (Turing is the name of a mathematician).

From the mental point of view, based on these assumptions and in those years Richard Bandler and John Grinder wrote books that generalized this approach to the mind creating the Neuro Linguistic Programming.

The NLP technique is very effective and is based on deterministic algorithms to understand the functioning of the brain.

We recognize its value, having also known its founders.

However, realizing that not everything could be done with that technology, many around the world created theories of NLP improvement. We ourselves created NLP3 which included some new elements.

QUANTUM PSI bridges the gap between 1977 and today and updates to all the elements that NLP cannot include.

In 1977 the general deterministic assumption was in fact put under attack by Robert Solvay and Robert Strassen.

The summary of their theory is that there are problems that are not solvable using deterministic algorithms of calculation, but instead can be solved easily by probabilistic paradigms.

In particular factorizations, which correspond to the mental process of going from effects to causes are more easily solvable in this way.

In 1985 David Deutsch developed an abstract machine (the universal quantum computer) able to simulate an arbitrary physical system and consequently every possible computing machine.

Deutsch also described an algorithm that showed that a quantum computer is more powerful than a probabilistic machine based on Turing principles.

In 1994 Peter Shor demonstrated how the factorization of prime numbers could be done effectively on a quantum computer.

In 2001 some IBM technicians made the first prototypes of quantum computers.

NLP, however, represented a qualitative leap forward....

Right from that we start and go further. Just because a primitive invented the wheel should we put stone wheels on our car?

NLP is a name now used to represent a particular deterministic model applied to humans.

The example of the stone wheels is not accidental: NLP applies sequential models to human behavior: for example it tries to extract "the strategies of genius". For Quantum Psi these are ancillary and represent many times verification strategies.

The bulk happens unconsciously and the genius can arrive in milliseconds.

Quantum Psi thinks about the probabilistic set from which the creative spark emerges and uses the approach of quantum computation to deal with these states.

In fact we remember that a quantum computer can in principle treat hundreds of data simultaneously, because, thanks to the quantum superposition, it is able to analyze them simultaneously.

Quantum Psi when it happens actually simplifies a lot the concepts of NLP. It can be said that it is one of the many names that exist and one of the few things that work.

NLP is especially useful in the initial phase of learning, because for a neophyte it can be a good didactic way to start opening the mind on new dimensions.

However, it is certain that the Quantum Psi model is scientifically proven and also more effective.

Everything should be made as simple as possible to be explained, but not simpler

(is a phrase of Einstein. considered precursor of quantum psi).

How Does Quantum Psi Handle Stress?

With Quantum Psi there is no need to manage stress because we remove it.

Without stress one would not need to relax: this is one of the paradigms of Quantum Psi there is no state without its opposite.

Instead of learning to relax in order to resist stress we remove stress.

How can quantum psi be used in sales?

The seller's problem is selling. In quantum psi it's letting go. You learn to let go of what the customer wants....

How can quantum psi be used in therapy?

It's extremely fast. Americans have called flash the speed of some of the surgeries that some experts have seen our authors perform.

Do you mean to say that all quantum psychology interventions are flash?

No, not all surgeries, some surgeries take a few extra minutes.

I don't believe in extrasensory abilities. Quantum Psi talks about it, why?

We do not have enough evidence to rule them out by lacking clear yardsticks. We do not measure reality by our beliefs.

How many of you are doing quantum psi?

Fortunately few. In the biographies part there are some well-known people working in the field. This means that the quality is very high. The theory is very broad. It needs to be extensive for practice to be immediate in any circumstances.

Where can I find more information about Quantum Psi?

Just go to Google and ask the appropriate question (Quantum Psychology). We also recommend going to the bibliography section of this site for more basic references. Quantum Psi has been in a state of testing for many years and many scholars of the subject are so amazed by the results obtained that they continue to question the theoretical assumptions.

On the internet you can find various sites that analyze the basic theory.

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