Space and Mass


The well-known scholar Ken Wilber noted how one of the first fundamental divisions in the creation of human perception was the distinction between inside and outside, inside and outside one's body.

This distinction leads to distinguish a space called imagined, which we perceive in dreams or with our eyes closed, and a space called "real" which we perceive with our eyes open.

Both spaces, however, are processed in the same way. And in dreams we may not even be aware that the space in which we move is different from the real space.

Einstein, in creating the theory of relativity, demonstrated that space and matter are the same thing. In the same way our outer space is built around our experiences.

Is it possible to perceive a space without focusing on the shape of objects?

It serves to acquire a more detached vision. In quantum psi acquire considerable interest the exercises that bring our perception before the perception of objects. The image still beats the retina, but is not conceptualized.

The technique indicated above can for example be used to reduce the emotional impact of contact with another person.

The concept is to differentiate space from form.

At this point it is possible to move on to more advanced applications, which superimpose space and internal and external dimensions. Due to the principle of the equal process that internal and external images undergo, imagining to project on the external reality of ideas leads to the same result as actually seeing them, and predisposes our mind in the exact same way.

This is the basic concept of neuroactivators.

Another concept that follows is that of the energy required to maintain a mental image. It is of the same type as the energy required to see a form as distinct from the rest.

The exercise shown above is for the recovery of that energy.

Not Location in the inner space

Finally the external space appears of the same type of the internal space and adherent to the same energetic principles.

Therefore the principle of non-locality of physics appears applicable to external space.

It is the act of observation that, accompanied by intent determines the result of any observation.

Some considerations

Map and Territory.

The map is also our perception. If we are not able to perceive (including deduction) a territory, it is as if it did not exist.

The territory is probabilistic, the map has chaos 0

This statement means that we do not perceive the probabilistic aspect of the quantum universe around us as we route it within a map.

The map is superimposed on the territory and does not allow us to perceive it directly.

The map constitutes a non-local order of reality.

In fact it belongs to our consciousness that is unique. It happens therefore that distinct events can be perceived as having a unique meaning. This is the basis of the so-called generalizations.

Every map is by definition non-local, as an internal product of the individual.

Intent and Map

Intent is what drives the modification of a map. Some NCR elements become visible and others less so.

Intent is related to the activity of the triadic mind.

The unity of an observation is determined by intent.

Intent determines the meaning of the elements present in a map by encouraging the emergence of correlations between non-local observations.

Intent determines the passage of reality from a probabilistic base to an observable and determined base. Being elements of probabilistic reality of quantum type we cannot exclude also non-local correlations of base.