Human Contact: Short Tutorial on how to improve with Quantum Psi

Brief Tutorial on the creation of Rapport in the model Quantum Psi

The discovery of Quantum Psi was an immediate revelation for us.

We had obtained exceptional results with other techniques based on recalculation, but when we learned Quantum Psi we realized that these results were simply due to this technology that we were not aware of.

We considered normal facts to concentrate, to put the attention in a certain way etc.... And we didn't realize that what we were getting was due to something much deeper....

So we decided to summarize for the novice some elements of Quantum Psi in order to facilitate the path...

This short Tutorial aims to bring you closer to some basic concepts: creating relationship in an unconscious way, preparing the mind etc...

Remember that there are also higher levels.

It is deliberately written in simple language in order to make it understandable to all.

Title 1 - getting into relationships - The secret to "getting into relationships"

There is a rule of mind that says: the greater the conscious effort the less the unconscious result.

Have you ever tried to remember where you left something and then the idea suddenly appeared to you?

It's a demonstration of this principle.

This means that in human relationships if we consciously strive for rapport we diminish the potential for rapport.

How then to do it?

We must learn to create matrices that operate by activating our unconscious.

In other words we must create in our mind a state of quantum superposition. Everything is possible and at some point it is actualized.

How to install a matrix for a good relationship?

A fundamental concept is presence. Presence is important for human contact. Being present means using the senses without conceptualizing.

At the physical level, presence is related to the concept of "information coherence".

Whatever results we achieve in the world we achieve because of our level of PRESENCE.

To be present means to be there. It is the easiest thing, but at the same time the most difficult because many people think about how to act instead of acting.

Presence is the state in which we give our unconscious mind the maximum chance to respond to the environment.

If we think little, and let the unconscious mind act we have taken the first step.

Creating a Mental Matrix

The second step is to create a mental matrix.

Quantum Psi does not work with automatic memorized processes, but with quantum processes that occur at a totally unconscious level.

Our unconscious mind if not inizalizzat will lead us 'otherwise to repeat our mnemonic traces, that is' to redo the things we have already done. We call this process "psi concentration" to mean that it must be done with all our three brains.

The Three Brains of Man

Each of us is human when we put into action the functions of the cerebral cortex, for functions such as calculating and imagining. Instead, we put into action the mammalian brain (from mammal) for functions such as affection. Finally we put the most primitive brain (the reptilian) into action for the most primitive functions.

If each of the brains were independent, they would see the world differently and use a different language. This explains the experience of some people.

The most "human" brain - the cortex

The cerebral cortex perceives the world as linked objects (left hemisphere) like a computer screen with a spreadsheet, or as linked images in a movie (right hemisphere).

The group brain: the Mammalian brain

The Mammalian brain thinks with the pronouns I, you, he and sees reality as spheres of love energy.

The reality of the reptilian brain

Our vision considers the reptilian brain the most primitive one, but in reality certain studies seem to show that it is fundamental for the creation of relationships and prevails over the others.

The reptilian brain perceives reality on the basis of touch and essential needs.

As we were saying, it is also at the basis of the concept of rapport between two people: in fact an experiment has shown that to create friendship it is more important the closeness than the similarity (Werner 1979 - in Social Psychology)

Similarly another experiment showed that sharing the same activity was more important than sharing the same values.

If we want to establish a rapport with someone, we create a matrix in each of these worlds: a reason to get along, a movie where we get along, an emotion. At the reptilian level we start from a situation of no need. At this point our unconscious mind has all the elements to make the matrix become reality.

This according to our experience is the base. All the rest are additional notions.

Nonverbal Communication and Three Brains.

If we look at the people around us we can sometimes tell from their nonverbal communication which brain they bring forward the most. Generally we find that those who use the cortex more bring forward the head, those who use the mammalian brain more the chest and those who use the reptilian brain more the belly.

Linguistics for relating

Every brain has its own language: to get in touch with the left part of the cortex, use logical terms and reasoning. If you want to ingratiate yourself with this type of interlocutor, give him information.

To get in touch with the right side, use images and ideas creating mental associations. Talk about things and describe their shape and colors.

To get in touch with the mammalian brain, use emotional elements and talk about people. The mammalian brain reacts in fact to nouns and pronouns I you he etc....

To get in touch with the reptilian brain we use tactile terms and we physically involve the person.

How to use our sense organs

By staring at the other person we can subliminally pass on a message to them

Concentrating on the words and sounds that we emit we can influence the other through sound waves alone

Entering mentally in the other we can tune with him and feel and make him feel the same emotions.

A deep reptilian contact is instead obtained by approaching and using proxemics.