Quantum Psi and Reality


We of reality can only know what we know.

Count Korzbysky said: the map is not the territory.

So something can exist outside the map (and also we do not know if we know the whole territory) .

Quantum Psi teaches how to act on these elements.

Quantum Psi starts from the idea that nothing is certain and offers a paradigm to handle such situations.

The paradigm also allows to manage new elements, such as psi phenomena.

We do not take position for or against such phenomena, however, in a reasoning by possibility they cannot be neglected...

Codified and Uncoded Reality

There are two types of reality

- codified reality (RC)

linked to a series of paradigms. this is a "measurable" reality

- non-codifiable reality (RNC)

represented by everything that cannot be represented in words or observed without altering its nature.

It is also non-codifiable reality what is below the Non Verbal Communication, the concept of energy, emotions, creativity.

We are convinced that in the uncoded reality there are infinite resources to get out of the current schemes, and create new ways of feeling and perceiving.