The Triadic Mind and the Neuro Activators


  • Understanding quantum vision means understanding the laws of thought, which are not linear but develop according to its own mechanisms. In thinking, creativity, transformations are important and constitute its structure. The mind is not static, it is dynamic. The flow of thoughts is a contemporary set of both lived and imaginary possibilities that aggregate around the direction of the intention. Some of them are illuminated by our consciousness and constitute our subjective reality. Opening up to quantum reality is recovering the global dimension and opening up to a wider, more complete dimension, where the solutions are creative and immediate.

  • To understand the quantum vision it is useful to create neuronal "coherence", which is the basis of good brain functioning and avoids the dispersion of mental information. The more coherent the mind is, the better it's quantum functioning, and therefore the greater the creativity, the originality, the power of its analysis. To create coherence we start from a good interhemispheric functioning and we also use specific rhythms to stimulate this coherence. We, therefore, have mental expansion.When the brain is functioning well it is also the basis of health and well-being, and also useful in learning.

  • Understanding the quantum vision also means approaching the phenomenon of "consciousness", "self-awareness" and the construction of the world. It means passing from seeing separate objects to a vision that allows us to recover the global unity behind all our thoughts. To understand that perception is also the result of unconscious decision processes and that there is a self behind everything that participates.

  • On a global level, understanding the quantum vision means thinking about systems and seeing the reality that behaves like a complex system in which the part cannot be detached from the whole. In counseling, for example, we see the individual and the group as a whole. In coaching we open ourselves to a vision of opportunities that completes the vision of objectives. Our intention to grow affects our perception and participation in the whole, leading us to act naturally and intuitively on the evolution of the single element.

  • In organizations, the quantum vision is the rediscovery of the human factor and its potentials, of the meaning and intention with which each participates in a global process.

  • Quantum vision also allows us a vision in which we give more freedom to the world while perceiving it more truly and globally. At the same time we open up into greater freedom within ourselves by being more ourselves. And because we perceive the world we can operate in the world obtaining results in the most natural way. And in the above there is also the basis for greater effectiveness, greater personal magnetism and fuller life.


The Quantum Psi model is very simple.

All the really important things are simple, the essence is already summarized in the introduction page to the model.

However, two more concepts are needed to obtain even more operational effectiveness and move from the theoretical basis of Quantum Psychology to the effectiveness of the Quantum Psi models described in these pages.


Quantum psi includes some neurological cognitions.

To allow those interested to immediately approach these models we mention one in particular: the triadic model of the mind.

One of the most interesting aspects of the triadic model is that the brain has also been proven to be made up of layers as if they were three superimposed brains.

The evolution along its path has led to the superimposition in our brain to the original reptilian structures (reptilian brain) a second layer typical of mammals responsible for emotions (mammalian brain), and a third layer typical of the human being responsible for the most evolved activities. (neocortex (cerebral cortex)).

anthropologically, the number three is a very important number for all cultures.

The reason is that in our mind there are three different and contemporary ways of processing information.

Just as the number two is linked to the two hemispheres of the neocortex (cerebral cortex) and tends in various cultures to the opposition between reason and feeling, between rationality and creativity, between me and not me (in which many identify themselves exclusively in their hemisphere logical, such as, for example, Descartes ...) between logical and analogical, the number three since the origins of humanity is linked to concepts of supernal triads, of perfection.

Three is the magic number par excellence because it contemplates all the ways of processing information, therefore all the ways of existing in the world.

One of the most interesting aspects of quantum psychology is the triadic model of the mind.

For quantum psychology it is advisable to address the various parts of the mind appropriately to obtain the best results.

The neocortex (cerebral cortex) is best convinced by words and vivid descriptions

The mammalian brain with the emotional value of what it listens to and what it is experiencing

The reptilian brain gives imperatives and primary needs.