
The energetic well-being of the individual is fundamental.

Psi-energetics represents the use of quantum-energetic techniques, and therefore operates on the deepest level of the mind.

It represents a sub-system within the Quantum Psi techniques.

Its purpose is to develop the well-being of the individual in terms of energy.

Vector Reality and the equivalence between mass and energy

Every element of space, both internal and external, has a mass, a direction and a motion. It is therefore definable as "vector".

Vector space constitutes the energetic reality of the individual.

It is important to realize the inner equivalence between mass and energy.

Every thought, every idea and emotion that we hold in the mind holds and blocks a certain amount of energy.

In the moment in which a person unlocks something internally he feels more energy.

Principles of PSI-Energetics

  • Energy follows intent

  • Energy is made of variables, intention is a constant.

  • Four-pronged concentration is required to achieve an energetic effect.

PSI-Energy Models

Many models of Psi-energetics work essentially on the body and are closely related to Psycho-Organic Linguistic techniques (P.O.L. Techniques).

They allow exceptional results in a very short time.

We refer to these techniques for a more in-depth discussion, although we promise as soon as possible to include a series of protocols on this site.

Energetic Hypnosis

It is a type of hypnosis where we stimulate the basic instances of the individual, quickly bringing the subject to remarkable depths of trance.